Oraşul Antic Tropaeum Traiani de la Adamclisi

La Adamclisi în judeţul Constanţa aveţi 3 obiective foarte importante de vizitat:
Oraşul antic Tropaeum Traiani, monumentul roman Tropaeum Traiani şi Muzeul Arheologic Adamclisi unde se află elementele originale ale monumentului.
Lângă situl bătăleiei din iarna 101-102 dintre Daci şi Romani, în care legiunile romane au respins o puternică incursiune a regelui Decebal la sud de Dunăre, Traian a înălţat un falnic monument şi a fondat o colonie romană pentru veteranii legiunilor. Colonia a devenit cel mai mare oraş roman din Dobrogea şi a prosperat mai multe secole până când invaziile barbare l-au ruinat (goţii, avarii).
Situl a fost cercetat de profesorul arheologul Grigore Tocilescu între 1891-1909, fiind meritul marelui om de ştiinţă readucerea la lumină a istoriei acestui loc.
Astăzi printre vastele ruine se află panouri informative despre diferitele clădiri din oraş, printre care se află numeroase biserici. Zidurile oraşului pot fi văzute pe stânga pe drumul ce duce spre Tropaeum Traiani iar intrarea este câteva sute de metri mai departe.

The Ancient City of Tropaeum Traiani at Adamclisi

In and near the village of Adamclisi, Constanţa, you have three important objectives to visit: the Ancient City of Tropaeum Traiani, the Tropaeum Traiani monument itself and the Archeological Museum in Adamclisi which contains the original elements of the ancient monument.
This was the site of a battle in the winter of 101-102 AD in the first Roman and Dacian war. The warriors of Dacian King Decebalus made a daring raid in the rear of the Roman legions, south of the Danube. Trajan difficultly repelled the attack and in remembrance of the battle built a monument on the site and also established a colony for the veterans. The colony grew into the larges Roman city in Dobrudja and prospered for 5 centuries before being destroyed by the barbarian invasions (Goths, Avars).
The site was excavated by archeologist Grigore Tocilescu between 1891-1909 and his work contributed a lot to what we know today about the history of this ancient city.
Among the ruins you find information tables with data about the various buildings comprised in the site. A lot of churches can be counted.
Don't miss the site while you are driving on the road to Tropaeum Traiani Monument: it is on your left, where you can see the walls of the city and a few hundred meters farther the entrance.
