Muzeul Ţării Crişurilor era, când l-am vizitat în primăvara lui 2016, încă găzduit în Palatul Episcopiei Romano - Catolice din Oradea, cunoscut şi sub numele "Palatul Baroc". Deja din 2017, muzeul îşi definitivează mutarea în noul sediu, fosta garnizoană a oraşului.
The "Criș Land" Museum was, when I visited it in the Spring of 2016, still set up in the Palace of the Oradea Roman - Catholic Bishopric, also known under the name of the "Baroque Palace". Already in 2017, the museum shall move permanently to its new site, the former town garrison.
The "Criș Land" Museum was, when I visited it in the Spring of 2016, still set up in the Palace of the Oradea Roman - Catholic Bishopric, also known under the name of the "Baroque Palace". Already in 2017, the museum shall move permanently to its new site, the former town garrison.
Palatul a fost confiscat episcopiei de către autorităţile comuniste, în anul 1963, iar din 1971 a găzduit muzeul. Arhitectural, constituie un ansamblu coerent cu Bazilica Romano - Catolică "Ridicarea la Cer a Fecioarei Maria".
The palace was confiscated by the Communist authorities in 1963 and since 1971 it hosted the museum. Architecturally, it is a coherent ensemble with the Catholic Church "Assumption of Mary".
The palace was confiscated by the Communist authorities in 1963 and since 1971 it hosted the museum. Architecturally, it is a coherent ensemble with the Catholic Church "Assumption of Mary".
Având în vedere transferul care are loc, muzeul prezintă doar unele colecţii temporare, în special etnografice.
Given the transfer which is about to take place, the museum only presents temporary collections, especially ethnographic.
Given the transfer which is about to take place, the museum only presents temporary collections, especially ethnographic.
Spațiile muzeului sunt destul de austere; de altfel, palatul a suferit multe distrugeri în perioada comunistă, mai ales interioarele. Astfel, va fi mult de muncă pentru a-l readuce la starea de dinainte de naționalizare. Obișuitele ravagii ale comunismului, asociate cu retrocedări anevoioase.
The museum rooms are austere; the palace suffered many destructions during the Communist regime, especially the interior. Thus, there shall be a lot of work to do to bring it to the state prior to the nationalization. This is the common lot of the destruction caused by Communist confiscations and tedious restitutions.
Au fost deosebit de interesante unele exponate regionale, în special costumele populare bihorene.
Some regional exhibits were extremely interesting, especially the Bihor folk costumes.
Some regional exhibits were extremely interesting, especially the Bihor folk costumes.
Mi-a atras atenția un documentar video despre prelucrarea cânepii din care, acum jumătate de secol, ţăranii confecţionau încă îmbrăcăminte în casă.
A documentary on hemp - and how cloth is made from it - caught my attention. Half a century ago, peasants still wove cloth and sowed clothes at home.
A documentary on hemp - and how cloth is made from it - caught my attention. Half a century ago, peasants still wove cloth and sowed clothes at home.
Noul sediu al muzeului, clădirea garnizoanei, se află în vestul oraşului, între Piaţa Unirii și Campusul Universității Oradea, la intersecția cu Calea Matei Basarab. Este un domeniu întins, iar clădirea nu poate fi observată din stradă din cauza arborilor stufoși. Cu siguranță va fi un muzeu superb redeschis în beneficiul turiștilor din întreaga lume, spre mândria bihorenilor.
The new museum headquarters are in the west of the city, between Union Square and the Oradea University Campus, at the intersection with Matei Basarab road. It is a vast domain and the building cannot be observed from the street, because of the trees. It shall surely be a beautiful museum reopened for tourists from around the world. It shall be the pride of the locals.
The new museum headquarters are in the west of the city, between Union Square and the Oradea University Campus, at the intersection with Matei Basarab road. It is a vast domain and the building cannot be observed from the street, because of the trees. It shall surely be a beautiful museum reopened for tourists from around the world. It shall be the pride of the locals.
În faţa garnizoanei este instalat bustul Generalului Traian Moşoiu. Născut în 1868 la Tohanul Nou, județul Brașov, după ce şi-a terminat studiile militare la Academia Militară Tereziană de la Viena, a ales, în anul 1891 să treacă în România, servind sub drapelul tricolor. Astfel, a fost printre cei mai capabili ofiţeri pe durata Primului Război Mondial. Guvernator Militar al Transilvaniei în 1919, a comandat "Grupul de Armate Nord" care a participat la cucerirea Budapestei în acelaşi an, Generalul Moşoiu fiind numit Comandant al Garnizoanei militare Budapesta. După război a deţinut mai multe portofolii ministeriale, printre care Ministerul de Război, Ministerul Comunicaţiilor şi Ministerul Industriei şi Comerţului. Mă bucur mereu să văd cinstite printr-un monument de for public personaje mai puțin cunoscute din istoria noastră, dar cu un aport major la aceasta.
In front of the garrison is found a statue of General Traian Moșoiu. Born in 1868 in Tohanul Nou, Brașov County, after finishing military studies at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, he chose, in 1891, to cross the Carpathians, serving under the Romanian flag. Thus, he was one of the most capable officers during World War I. Military Governor of Transylvania in 1919, he commanded "Army Group North" which participated to the liberation of Budapest in the same year. General Moșoiu was named Commander of Budapest Military Garrison. After the war, he held several ministerial portfolios, including that of Minister of War, Minister of Communications and Minister of Industry and Commerce. I am always happy to see public monuments erected for lesser known historical figures who did a lot for our country.
In front of the garrison is found a statue of General Traian Moșoiu. Born in 1868 in Tohanul Nou, Brașov County, after finishing military studies at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, he chose, in 1891, to cross the Carpathians, serving under the Romanian flag. Thus, he was one of the most capable officers during World War I. Military Governor of Transylvania in 1919, he commanded "Army Group North" which participated to the liberation of Budapest in the same year. General Moșoiu was named Commander of Budapest Military Garrison. After the war, he held several ministerial portfolios, including that of Minister of War, Minister of Communications and Minister of Industry and Commerce. I am always happy to see public monuments erected for lesser known historical figures who did a lot for our country.
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