O prietenă bună mi-a recomandat biserica Bărboi: "e preferata mea, cea mai frumoasă din oraș, acolo mergeam de când eram mică".
Cu o așa recomandare, eram foarte curios să descopăr locul și nu am fost deloc dezamăgit.
A good friend recommended Bărboi church to me: "it is my favorite, the most beautiful in town, that's were I used to go when I was little".
With such a recommendation, I was very curious to discover the place and I was not disappointed at all.
A good friend recommended Bărboi church to me: "it is my favorite, the most beautiful in town, that's were I used to go when I was little".
With such a recommendation, I was very curious to discover the place and I was not disappointed at all.
Ansamblul impresionează, într-adevăr, prin delicatețea liniilor bisericii și zveltețea turlei de la intrare.
The site is impressive. The curch is very delicate and the bell-tower slender.
The site is impressive. The curch is very delicate and the bell-tower slender.
La origini, biserica de parohie de azi a fost o mânăstire ctitorită prin 1615 de un mare boier, Ursu Bărboi, vornic al Țării de Jos pe timpul lui Ștefan al II-lea Tomșa (cel din Neamul Șoimăreștilor).
Din păcate, vornicul a fost implicat într-un complot împotriva domnitorului, iar lucrurile nu s-au terminat bine pentru boier. Răsculații, înfrânți lângă Iași, "deasupra Fântânii lui Păcurari", "în loc au prinsu pre Bărboi vornicul și apoi pre fecioru-său. Deci pre Bărboiu cel bătrân îndată l-au înțepatu de laturea târgului, iară pre feciorul lui au trimis de l-au spânzuratu în poarta casei tătâne-său." (Letopisețul lui Miron Costin)
Originally, a monastery, it was erected in 1615 by a nobleman, Ursu Bărboi, governor in the south of Moldavia during the reign of Ștefan Tomșa II (a famous Romanian novel is set during his time, Neamul Șoimăreștilor). Unfortunatelly, the nobleman was involved in a plot against the prince and things went very bad for him. The insurgents, beaten near Iași, "above Păcurari Fountain", "caught Bărboi and then his son. The Elder Bărboi the impaled at the edge of town and they hanged the young man also." (Chronicle of Miron Costin)
Originally, a monastery, it was erected in 1615 by a nobleman, Ursu Bărboi, governor in the south of Moldavia during the reign of Ștefan Tomșa II (a famous Romanian novel is set during his time, Neamul Șoimăreștilor). Unfortunatelly, the nobleman was involved in a plot against the prince and things went very bad for him. The insurgents, beaten near Iași, "above Păcurari Fountain", "caught Bărboi and then his son. The Elder Bărboi the impaled at the edge of town and they hanged the young man also." (Chronicle of Miron Costin)
Mânăstirea a fost îngrijită de urmații vornicului Bărboi, din familia Sturdza (din care și el făcea parte).
Fiind avariată de cutremure, mânăstirea a fost refăcută în anii 1841-1844 de logofătul Dimitrie Sturdza, bunicul lui George Sturdza care a construit faimosul castel de la Miclăușeni.
Construcția combină elemente din arhitectura neo-bizantină, neoclasică și barocă. Este un amestesc, dar predominant occidentală, deci care o diferențiază în peisajul ecleziastic ieșean. Arhitectul este grec, Andrei Karidis.
The Monastery was taken care of by the descendants of the Bărboi family, the Sturdza's.
Being ruined by earthquakes, the monastery was rebuilt between 1841 and 1844 by chancellor Dimitrie Sturdza. His grandson, George Sturdza, built a beautiful castle at Miclăușeni.
The building combines elements of Neo-byzantine architecture, neoclassic and baroque. It is a mix, but Western architecture is predominant. This is what makes it different from the other churches in town. It was built by Greek architect, Andrei Karidis.
The Monastery was taken care of by the descendants of the Bărboi family, the Sturdza's.
Being ruined by earthquakes, the monastery was rebuilt between 1841 and 1844 by chancellor Dimitrie Sturdza. His grandson, George Sturdza, built a beautiful castle at Miclăușeni.
The building combines elements of Neo-byzantine architecture, neoclassic and baroque. It is a mix, but Western architecture is predominant. This is what makes it different from the other churches in town. It was built by Greek architect, Andrei Karidis.
Este superb pictată în interior, iar bolta este susținută de coloane ionice. Catapeteasma poleită cu aur a fost sculptată de Ilie Moldovan, originar din Basarabia.
The interior, with frescoes and Ionian columns. The iconostasis was sculpted by Ilie Moldovan, from Bessarabia.
The interior, with frescoes and Ionian columns. The iconostasis was sculpted by Ilie Moldovan, from Bessarabia.
La intrare se află pisania, cu un basorelief în miniatură al bisericii:
"Acestu sfântu lacaș a Bărboiului unde se prăznuește soborul Sfinților Apostoli sau prifăcut din temelie acum în anul 1841, cu cheltuiala din veniturile aceștii monastiri și cu agiutorul marelui logofăt Dimitrie Sturza și a soții sale Elencu prin sălința, sărguința și osteniala mitropolitului Grigorie Gricupoleos și a boierilor Sturzăști ctitor aceștii monastiri spre vecinica pomenire a lor și a tot niamul."
The inscription is accompanied by a miniature of the monastery, and it reads:
"This holy church Bărboi, where the feast of Saints Peter and Paul is celebrated, was erected in 1841. It was paid for by the revenues of the monastery and by chancellor Dimitrie Sturdza and his wife Elencu, and was erected through the efforts of bishop Grigorie Gricupoleos and the noble Sturdza family. May they be remembered."
The inscription is accompanied by a miniature of the monastery, and it reads:
"This holy church Bărboi, where the feast of Saints Peter and Paul is celebrated, was erected in 1841. It was paid for by the revenues of the monastery and by chancellor Dimitrie Sturdza and his wife Elencu, and was erected through the efforts of bishop Grigorie Gricupoleos and the noble Sturdza family. May they be remembered."
Biserica este necropolă boierească pentru familia Sturdza.
În biserică se află de asemenea mormântul poetului Alecu Russo.
The church is the final resting place of the Sturdza family.
In the church is the tomb of poet Alecu Russo.
The church is the final resting place of the Sturdza family.
In the church is the tomb of poet Alecu Russo.
Mânăstirea a fost secularizată de Alexandru Ioan Cuza și a devenit biserică de parohie. Totuși, ea și-a păstrat zidurile (restaurate în anii 1980), turla și casa parohială, în care a locuit în anii 1864-1865 și Ion Creangă, diaconul bisericii.
The monastery was secularized by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza and became parish church. However, it kept its walls (restored in the 1980s), the bell-tower and the parish house, where storyteller Ion Creangă lived in the years 1864 and 1865 while he served as priest at Bărboi.
The monastery was secularized by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza and became parish church. However, it kept its walls (restored in the 1980s), the bell-tower and the parish house, where storyteller Ion Creangă lived in the years 1864 and 1865 while he served as priest at Bărboi.
Oare să fi tras cu pușca și în această turlă, precum la Golia? Ar fi interesant de știut!
Did he shoot at crows in the belltower like at Golia? I would like to know!
În curtea bisericii se mai află un frumos lumânărar. Datează din secolul 19, fiind amenajat într-un fost rezervor de apă.
Candles are lit here (to avoid damage to the frescoes in the church). It also dates back to the 19th century and it used to be a well.
Candles are lit here (to avoid damage to the frescoes in the church). It also dates back to the 19th century and it used to be a well.
Tot în curte se află monumentul ridicat în amintirea unei biserici dispărute, "Sfânta Vineri". Biserica nu se afla pe acest amplasament, ci în zona halei centrale (strada Anastasie Panu).
Se pare că bisericile cu acest nume nu au o soartă prielnică... (și cea din București fiind demolată).
This is the monument to a church that used to exist nearby, "Holy Friday".
It seems that churches bearing this name to not have good fortune, as the one in Bucharest was also demolished.
This is the monument to a church that used to exist nearby, "Holy Friday".
It seems that churches bearing this name to not have good fortune, as the one in Bucharest was also demolished.
Recomand din toată inima vizitarea bisericii Bărboi...
You should visit Bărboi church by day...
You should visit Bărboi church by day...
... chiar și noaptea.
... or by night.
... or by night.
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