Iarna nu este anotimpul ideal pentru a vizita Parcul Copou, însă așa a fost să fie. Am vrut numaidecât să vizitez miticul parc din Iași și obiectivele sale emblematice: Obeliscul cu Lei și Teiul lui Eminescu.
Winter is not the idel season to visit Copou park, but that's the way it was supposed to be. I really wanted to visit the mythical park in Iași and its main landmarks: the Obelisk with Lions and Eminescu's Linden Tree.
Winter is not the idel season to visit Copou park, but that's the way it was supposed to be. I really wanted to visit the mythical park in Iași and its main landmarks: the Obelisk with Lions and Eminescu's Linden Tree.
Cea mai veche grădină publică din Iași, a fost amenajată începând cu 1833, iar primul ei simbol a fost Obeliscul cu Lei.
The oldest public garden in Iași, it was landscaped starting in 1883 and her first symbol was the Obelisk with Lions.
Inaugurat în 1841, a fost ridicat la inițiativa cărturarului Gheorghe Asachi (1788 - 1869) în cinstea Regulamentelor Organice (prima constituție a Principatelor române) și în onoarea domnitorului Mihail Sturdza (1834 - 1849).
Inaugurated in 1841, it was erected at the initiative of Gheorghe Asachi (1788 - 1869) celebrating the Organic Regulations (the Romanian Principalities' first constitution) and in Prince Mihail Sturdza's honour (1834 - 1849).
Inaugurated in 1841, it was erected at the initiative of Gheorghe Asachi (1788 - 1869) celebrating the Organic Regulations (the Romanian Principalities' first constitution) and in Prince Mihail Sturdza's honour (1834 - 1849).
La scurt timp, Copoul avea să devină emblematic pentru încă un timp: un tei multisecular ce a pre-existat parcului. L-a remarcat și Asachi, dar Eminescu este cel care i-a conferit titlul de noblețe, fiind denumit, în memoria poetului, "Teiul lui Eminescu".
In a short time, Copou would become known for another landmark: Eminescu's Linden Tree. It is a multi-secular tree, much older than the park. Asachi noticed and protected it first, but Eminescu gave it its distinction, being named in his honor.
In a short time, Copou would become known for another landmark: Eminescu's Linden Tree. It is a multi-secular tree, much older than the park. Asachi noticed and protected it first, but Eminescu gave it its distinction, being named in his honor.
dedicația de pe monumentul poetului din poezia "Luceafărul"
Verses on his monument from his poem "The evening star" translation by Adrian Șoncodi "Enclosed within your narrow ring / Good-fortuned lives you're spending / Whilst I to my own havens cling / Immortal and unbending"
Verses on his monument from his poem "The evening star" translation by Adrian Șoncodi "Enclosed within your narrow ring / Good-fortuned lives you're spending / Whilst I to my own havens cling / Immortal and unbending"
Grădina Copou are și o alee a clasicilor, dominată de figura bunului prieten al lui Mihai Eminescu: Ion Creangă.
Copou Gardens also has an alley dedicated to classical writers. Eminescu's good friend, Ion Creangă, towers over them.
Copou Gardens also has an alley dedicated to classical writers. Eminescu's good friend, Ion Creangă, towers over them.
Eu abia aștept să revăd Iașiul și cu siguranță Grădina Copou, vara, iar acest articol va fi actualizat corespunzător.
Astfel se încheie relatarea despre orașul celor șapte coline, care m-a surprins cu multitudinea de muzee și obiective turistice. Iași ocupă un loc special în istoria României și pe orice circuit turistic în țară.
Părăsim, așadar, capitala Moldovei pentru dealurile și câmpiile însângerate ale Vrancei: urmează o serie despre câmpurile de bătălie din Primul Război Mondial și mausoleele ridicate în memoria eroilor căzuți.
I can hardly wait to see Iași again, with its beautiful garden. This article shall be updated accordingly.
So ends my narrative about the capital of Moldova, which has surprised me with its many museums and touristic landmarks. Iași has a special place in the history of Romania and in any touristic circuit.
We leave, thus, for the bloodied hills and fields of Vrancea county: up next is a series about the battlefields of World War I and the monuments erected for the fallen heroes.
I can hardly wait to see Iași again, with its beautiful garden. This article shall be updated accordingly.
So ends my narrative about the capital of Moldova, which has surprised me with its many museums and touristic landmarks. Iași has a special place in the history of Romania and in any touristic circuit.
We leave, thus, for the bloodied hills and fields of Vrancea county: up next is a series about the battlefields of World War I and the monuments erected for the fallen heroes.
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