În prima zi a marșului am ajuns, târziu, după lăsarea nopții, la Strășeni. Acolo ne-am cazat la internatul orașului. Ne-am învățat cu împărțirea bagajelor, repartizarea pe camere, pe grupe de câte 20 - fiecare cu un responsabil, servit masa la cantină și coada la duș; programul nostru de seară toată săptămâna, adică.
In the first day of the march, we arrived late, after nightfall, in Strășeni. There we spent the night in a boarding school. We got familiar with distributing the luggage, taking our rooms in groups of 20 - each group with a leader, serving dinner and the shower line; it was our daily evening drill.
Un coleg a surprins din prima seară atmosfera de la cantină, masă la care am avut ou, pateu și legume. Vedetele săptămânii au fost însă, fără discuție, grecica și bătuta (hrișcă și șnițel), nelipsite aproape în fiecare zi. Tot în prima seară, dușul a fost cam rece, dar asta nu a fost nimic față de zilele care au urmat... Oricum, somnul a venit aproape instantaneu după oboseala de peste zi, iar trezirea urma să fie la ora șase.
A colleague captured the atmospehere in the first evening, when we had eggs, pate and vegetables. The main course was usually buckwheat and schnitzel. Also in the first evening the shower was a bit cold, but that was nothing compared to the following days... Anyway, sleep came almost instantly after such a tiring day. Wake-up was at 6 AM.
Imagine de-a doua zi, după micul dejun. / Image from the next day, after breakfast.
Ultimele pregătiri... / The last preparations.
Traseul zilei: Strășeni - Lozova, dar nu direct, ci trecând prin Pănășești, Căpriana și Vorniceni, popasul zilei fiind la mânăstire.
The route for the day: Strășeni - Lozova, but not directly, rather passing by Pănășești, Căpriana and Vorniceni, the stop being at Căpriana Monastery.
The route for the day: Strășeni - Lozova, but not directly, rather passing by Pănășești, Căpriana and Vorniceni, the stop being at Căpriana Monastery.
Și suntem gata de drum! / Ready to go
Imagine din Strășeni, la coborârea de la cămin; același deal ne-a dat mult de furcă o seară în urmă, când a trebuit să-l urcăm, foarte obosiți fiind.
Image from Strășeni, coming back down from the boarding school; the same hill was hard to climb the night before, being so tired from the day's walk.
Am pornit numeroși... / We set off...
... și plini de entuziasm. / ... full of enthusiasm
Aspect de pe drum. / Aspect on the road.
Bifurcația spre Căpriana... / The crossroads to Căpriana...
...cu un frumos panou mozaicat. / ... with a beautiful mosaic panel.
Drumul continuă, dar oboseala începe să se facă simțită. / The road continues, but the first signs of fatigues start to show.
După un scurt popas în pădurea Căpriana, intrăm în sat. / After a short break in Căpriana forest, we enter the village.
Scandările reiau: "Un gând mă chinuie când peste Prut privesc / și n-am să uit vreodată cât am să trăiesc / doar o țară am și asta o iubesc: / Basarabia pământ românesc!" Totuși, oboseala își spunea cuvântul, vocile erau uscate, ne venea greu să continuăm cântările. La un moment dat am luat eu și Roxana portavocile și i-am înlocuit pe cei care scandaseră până atunci. Mă stresam pe moment că era prea liniște în coloană, dar Sabin mi-a zis să mă calmez: important era să ajungem la mânăstire și la popasul de prânz.
The chants resumed: "I have an agonizing thought gazing over the Prut / and I shall never forget / I only have one country and I love it: / Bessarabia Romanian land!" However, the fatigue was taking its toll, throats were dry, we had a hard time continuing. At a certain moment Roxana and I took the megaphones and we replaced those who set the tone. I was upset, at the moment, that it was too quiet but Sabin told me to chill out: it was more important to arrive well at the monastery for the noon break.
The chants resumed: "I have an agonizing thought gazing over the Prut / and I shall never forget / I only have one country and I love it: / Bessarabia Romanian land!" However, the fatigue was taking its toll, throats were dry, we had a hard time continuing. At a certain moment Roxana and I took the megaphones and we replaced those who set the tone. I was upset, at the moment, that it was too quiet but Sabin told me to chill out: it was more important to arrive well at the monastery for the noon break.
Aspecte din satul Căpriana, cu numeroasele răstigniri... / Aspects from Căpriana with its numerous crosses...
... și o frumoasă clădire cu mozaic. / ... and a beautiful building with mosaic.
O ultimă linie dreaptă și am ajuns la mânăstire, unde am fost primiți de primarul satului și de nea Tudor Ungureanu din ansamblul "Ștefan Vodă".
One last straight line and we arrived at the monastery, where we were received by the mayor and Tudor Ungureanu, lute-player in the "Ștefan Vodă" folk music band.
Unioniștii adunați în fața Mânăstirii Căpriana. / The unionists gathered in front of Căpriana Monastery.
Despre Mânăstirea Căpriana am avut deja ocazia să scriu, am mai vizitat-o. Este un loc de seamă pentru Basarabia din punct de vedere spiritual. A fost evocată de Doina și Ion Aldea Teodorovici în "Clopotul Învierii". Câțiva kilometri distanță de drumul principal Leușeni - Chișinău, nu ar trebui ocolită. Din păcate, și de data asta, am putut vizita doar biserica mai nouă, nu și cea veche.
I wrote already about Căpriana Monastery, I visited it before. It is very important place in Bessarabia, spiritually. It was evoked by Doina and Ion Aldea Teodorovici in "Clopotul Învierii" (the Ressurection Bell). It is just few kilometers from the main road Leușeni - Chișinău and should not be passed by. Unfortunately, this time also, only the new church could be visited, and not the old one.
Grupul de unioniști la Mânăstirea Căpriana. / The unionist group at Căpriana Monastery.
După scurtul popas la mânăstire, am continuat: mai aveam un efort de făcut până la pauza de prânz. Iată coloana de unioniști, lăsând mânăstirea în urmă, la urcușul unui deal spre poiana unde urma să luăm masa.
Din cauza căldurii și oboselii de dimineață, drumul devenea extrem de anevoios. Pentru a scăpa de nădușală, unii participanți la marș au optat pentru sandale, dar deseori acestea s-au dovedit incomode și pe moment s-a recurs la mersul desculț... Următoarele zile aveau să devină și mai grele, sub aspectul mozoalelor (bătăturilor) și bășici de tot felul...
After the short stop at the monastery, we pressed on: we still had an effort to make before the noon break. Here is the unionist column, leaving the monastery behind, climbing a hill toward the meadow where we were to have lunch.
Because of the heat and the morning fatigue, the road was becoming very arduous. To avoid overheating, some march participants chose to wear sandals, but often these proved uncomfortable and there were moments when barefoot walking was preferred... The next days would be even harder, participants getting calluses and blisters of all sorts.
Din cauza căldurii și oboselii de dimineață, drumul devenea extrem de anevoios. Pentru a scăpa de nădușală, unii participanți la marș au optat pentru sandale, dar deseori acestea s-au dovedit incomode și pe moment s-a recurs la mersul desculț... Următoarele zile aveau să devină și mai grele, sub aspectul mozoalelor (bătăturilor) și bășici de tot felul...
After the short stop at the monastery, we pressed on: we still had an effort to make before the noon break. Here is the unionist column, leaving the monastery behind, climbing a hill toward the meadow where we were to have lunch.
Because of the heat and the morning fatigue, the road was becoming very arduous. To avoid overheating, some march participants chose to wear sandals, but often these proved uncomfortable and there were moments when barefoot walking was preferred... The next days would be even harder, participants getting calluses and blisters of all sorts.
Sosirea la popas, într-o vale cu izvor din Pădurea Căpriana. Nu știu ceilalți cum erau, dar eu eram sleit de puteri. De fapt mulți erau la fel, pentru că imediat s-au așezat pe unde au putut, pe patul de frunze moarte. În anumite locuri erau încă umede de la ploaia ce căzuse două zile mai devreme, deci trebuia băgare de seamă. Ne-am ridicat doar pentru a lua mâncarea servită la masă de alți voluntari și pentru a umple sticlele cu apă de izvor.
The arrival at our noon break site, a meadow in Căpriana Forrest with a spring. I don't know how the others were, but I was worn out. In fact, many were in the same shape, because they immediately sat where they could, on the bed of dead leaves. In some places they were still humid from the rain that fell two days before. We got up only to take the food served by other volunteers and to fill the bottles with fresh water.
The arrival at our noon break site, a meadow in Căpriana Forrest with a spring. I don't know how the others were, but I was worn out. In fact, many were in the same shape, because they immediately sat where they could, on the bed of dead leaves. In some places they were still humid from the rain that fell two days before. We got up only to take the food served by other volunteers and to fill the bottles with fresh water.
În timp ce luam masa, nea Tudor cânta din cobză. Mulți voluntari, din cei mai temerari și mai rezistenți, s-au prins în horă. Mie pe moment mi s-a făcut rău; ar fi trebuit să le fac poză, dar nu m-am putut ridica și de sarcină s-a achitat (Adi) Lupu. După ce lumea a plecat de la masă, m-am dus să mă așez pe bancă. La scurt timp m-am lungit pe ea, pe spate și, epuizat fiind, am adormit. Mai bine de o jumătate de oră, în vacarmul ambiental (cântecele, hora, conversațiile), am dormit pe o bancă îngustă și incomodă. Nu știam dacă voi mai fi în stare să continui, eram îngrijorat și mi-era ciudă. Mă durea rău și genunchiul drept, întotdeauna primul care cedează la efort (cum se mai întâmplă când merg pe munte). I-am cerut lui Sabin cremă (el avea materialele de prim-ajutor), prin miracol aceasta mi-a permis să pot merge, dar am mai depins de ea vreo două zile. Scandatul și fotografiatul vor rămâne pe planul doi pentru mine în acea zi, mi-am zis în sinea mea: îmi propuneam în primul rând să ajung pe picioarele mele la popasul de seară...
While we ate our lunch, our host Tudor played the lute. Many volunteers, the more courageous and resilient ones, started a dance (horă). At the moment I felt sick; I was supposed to take pictures of the moment but I couldn't get up and (Adi) Lupu sorted that out. After people got up from the table, I went to sit on the bench. Shortly after I lied down on it, flat on my back and, exhausted, I fell asleep. For more than half an hour, in the general racket, (songs, dance, conversations), I slept on a narrow and uncomfortable bench. I didn't know if I would be able to go on, I was worried and angry. My right knee hurt badly, it's always the first to give in when making an effort (mountain climbing for exmple). I asked Sabin for some balm (he had the first-aid kit) and, miraculously, it allowed me to walk, although I depended on the treatment for another couple of days. Chanting and photographing would remain on a secondary plane for me today, I told myself: I was keen just to make it on my own two feet at the night's stop...
While we ate our lunch, our host Tudor played the lute. Many volunteers, the more courageous and resilient ones, started a dance (horă). At the moment I felt sick; I was supposed to take pictures of the moment but I couldn't get up and (Adi) Lupu sorted that out. After people got up from the table, I went to sit on the bench. Shortly after I lied down on it, flat on my back and, exhausted, I fell asleep. For more than half an hour, in the general racket, (songs, dance, conversations), I slept on a narrow and uncomfortable bench. I didn't know if I would be able to go on, I was worried and angry. My right knee hurt badly, it's always the first to give in when making an effort (mountain climbing for exmple). I asked Sabin for some balm (he had the first-aid kit) and, miraculously, it allowed me to walk, although I depended on the treatment for another couple of days. Chanting and photographing would remain on a secondary plane for me today, I told myself: I was keen just to make it on my own two feet at the night's stop...
După câteva ore, am repornit, ieșind din pădure și traversănd dealurile spre șosea, apoi spre șoseaua principală. Peisajul în jur era superb. Eu mă concentram să pun un pas în fața celuilalt. La un moment dat ne-am oprit să așteptăm coloana să se regrupeze. Am mers imediat și m-am așezat la umbra unui copac, trei minute. Temperatura era caniculară, spre 35°C.
A few hours later we took to the road again. We came out of the woods, took a dirt road to the main road, viewing the superb scenery. I was concentrating just on putting one foot in front of the other. Soon we stopped to wait for the column to form and I immediately went to sit in the shade of a tree for a couple of minutes. It was 35°C.in the shade.
A few hours later we took to the road again. We came out of the woods, took a dirt road to the main road, viewing the superb scenery. I was concentrating just on putting one foot in front of the other. Soon we stopped to wait for the column to form and I immediately went to sit in the shade of a tree for a couple of minutes. It was 35°C.in the shade.
Am continuat iar drumul iar după vreo zece minute un nou popas, la parcarea-belvedere spre Mânăstirea Căpriana, ce se vede în spatele grupului. Deja recunoșteam locul: pe aici venisem să vizitez mânăstirea, deja de două ori, dar cu mașina și din sensul opus.
We continued and after ten more minutes made another stop in a parking lot which is also a viewpoint towards Căpriana Monastery. I recognized the place since I parked here twice on previous visits. We were on the main road to the monastery, the one I used previously from the opposite direction.
Am reluat drumul. După această parcare, urcușul continua și mai abrupt. Efortul era extraordinar; soarele bătea puternic, fiecare pas era o luptă iar șiroaiele de transpirație luau deja proporții de maraton. Eram pentru prima dată confruntat cu astfel de situație. Această imagine, surprinsă de Pavel Munteanu, a ajuns virală pe internet în aceași zi (peste 1,5 milioane de aprecieri). A fost plătită de noi, cei din marș, cu sute de litri de transpirație.
Again on the road. After the parking lot, the hill became more abrupt. The effort was extraordinary; the sun was hitting hard, each step was a struggle and beads of sweat were trickling like on a marathon. This was the first time I was in such a situation. This image was taken by Pavel Munteanu and went viral on the internet on the same day (more than 1,5 million likes). It was paid for by us, the ones marching, with hundreds of liters of sweat.
Again on the road. After the parking lot, the hill became more abrupt. The effort was extraordinary; the sun was hitting hard, each step was a struggle and beads of sweat were trickling like on a marathon. This was the first time I was in such a situation. This image was taken by Pavel Munteanu and went viral on the internet on the same day (more than 1,5 million likes). It was paid for by us, the ones marching, with hundreds of liters of sweat.
O altă imagine, făcută de mine de data asta (mă străduiam și eu în acele momente să surprind efortul incredibil pe care îl făceam). Toată lumea aproape se târa la deal în sus. Bine organizați și cu simțul răspunderii, am avut pe tot parcursul marșului cu noi mașini de suport logistic și o ambulanță. Acestea au fost puse la încercare la maxim la acel moment. Am fost destul de îngrijorat când și Roxana, în ciuda tuturor eforturilor, a trebuit să se oprească și a dus-o ambulanța până pe creasta dealului, la drumul principal; a fost mai prudent așa, pentru că i se făcuse rău.
Another image, taken by me this time (I was trying at the same moment to capture the incredible effort we were making). Everybody was almost crawling up the hill. Since we were responsible and well organized people, we had with us cars to help with the logistics and an ambulance. These were put to the test at this moment. I was very worried when Roxana, in spite of her best efforts, had to stop and was taken with the ambulance to the top of the hill; it was safer this way, since she felt queasy.
Another image, taken by me this time (I was trying at the same moment to capture the incredible effort we were making). Everybody was almost crawling up the hill. Since we were responsible and well organized people, we had with us cars to help with the logistics and an ambulance. These were put to the test at this moment. I was very worried when Roxana, in spite of her best efforts, had to stop and was taken with the ambulance to the top of the hill; it was safer this way, since she felt queasy.
Ajunși la intersecția cu drumul principal Chișinău - Leușeni, ne-am oprit la umbră. Plecasem prematur de la popasul din pădure și se impunea o pauză de minim o oră să ne revenim și să lăsăm căldura să treacă. Eu încă eram îngrijorat, dar optimist. Dificultatea momentului era dată și de neobișnuința organismului cu acest tip de efort, de durată, dar aveam să ne călim în următoarele zile. Între timp, Igor, Jalbu colegii asigurau atmosfera. Igor era responsabil cu candența în marș (avea o tobă, cam gălăgioasă uneori :) ), Jalbu cu monitorizarea coloanei și comunicarea prin stație. În această primă zi completă de marș, totul se regla din mers, la propriu și la figurat.
When we arrived on the main road Chișinău - Leușeni, we sat down in the shade. We left too early from our noon break and we needed more time to rest and to let the heat pass. I was still a bit worried, but more optimistic. The moment's difficulty was caused also by the body not being used to this type of prolonged effort, but we would toughen up in the following days. In the meantime, Igor, Jalbu and some others were responsible with the good mood. Igor was responsible with setting the rhythm (he had a drum, a bit noisy sometimes :) ), Jalbu was responsible with monitoring the column and communicating through the station. In this first full march day, we fine tuned a certain things as we went along.
When we arrived on the main road Chișinău - Leușeni, we sat down in the shade. We left too early from our noon break and we needed more time to rest and to let the heat pass. I was still a bit worried, but more optimistic. The moment's difficulty was caused also by the body not being used to this type of prolonged effort, but we would toughen up in the following days. In the meantime, Igor, Jalbu and some others were responsible with the good mood. Igor was responsible with setting the rhythm (he had a drum, a bit noisy sometimes :) ), Jalbu was responsible with monitoring the column and communicating through the station. In this first full march day, we fine tuned a certain things as we went along.
De comun acord cu jandarmeria, care ne-a însoțit tot marșul, restul drumului avea să se facă la umbră, pe sensul opus direcției de mers al mașinilor. Unde s-a putut s-a intrat pe iarbă, între pădure și șosea. A fost diferența dintre rai și iad.
We agreed with the police, who was with us the whole march, to walk in the shade for the rest of the day, facing the traffic as we went. In some places there was enough space to walk along the road. It made the difference between heaven and hell.
We agreed with the police, who was with us the whole march, to walk in the shade for the rest of the day, facing the traffic as we went. In some places there was enough space to walk along the road. It made the difference between heaven and hell.
Un scurt moment amuzant, cu acest "panou antiincendiar"; pur și simplu este un punct logistic prevăzut cu măturici, spre a fi folosite în caz de incendiu (minor). Am mai întâlnit termenul și pe mai departe.
A funny moment with this "anti-incendiary panel"; it's simply a point where you have some brooms which can be used to smother a minor fire. I came across this term in some other places.
A funny moment with this "anti-incendiary panel"; it's simply a point where you have some brooms which can be used to smother a minor fire. I came across this term in some other places.
Drumul nostru continua, la umbră. Urma să părăsim însă drumul principal, pentru a coti spre Vorniceni și de acolo spre Lozova, destinația serii.
Our road continued in the shade. We soon had to leave the main road and turn towards Vorniceni and then Lozova, our destination for the day.
Our road continued in the shade. We soon had to leave the main road and turn towards Vorniceni and then Lozova, our destination for the day.
"Dacă Dumnezeu e pentru noi, cine este împotriva noastră?" (Epistola către Romani a Sfântului Apostol Pavel)
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Saint Paul's epistle to the Romans)
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Saint Paul's epistle to the Romans)
Ultima porțiune de drum: coborârea spre Vorniceni. Soarele asfințea, în sfârșit căldura nu ne mai supăra.
The last portion of the road: the descent to Vorniceni. The sun was setting, finally the heat no longer bothered us.
De oboseală, am trecut, ca prin vis, prin satul Vorniceni, pe care aveam să-l descoperim sub auspicii mult mai simpatice a doua zi, odihniți. Vederea panoului "Lozova" a fost ca o sărbătoare.
I was so tired, I passed through Vorniceni like in a dream. It would look a lot better the following day. Seeing the "Lozova" panel was like celebration.
I was so tired, I passed through Vorniceni like in a dream. It would look a lot better the following day. Seeing the "Lozova" panel was like celebration.
De la panou la cazare, însă mai era... Un ultim efort, mai e puțin!
There was still some way to go from that panel to actually reaching our destination... One last effort, only a little bit of road left!
There was still some way to go from that panel to actually reaching our destination... One last effort, only a little bit of road left!
Și am ajuns! Finalul zilei a fost un teren de sport, pe care ne-am întins cu toții; aici, preț de aproape o oră, am ascultat întâmpinarea autorităților de la Lozova și am privit un frumos program artistic. Din păcate lumina slăbea; totuși, au fost câțiva temerari care, din nou, au încins o horă.
Când s-a înoptat de-a binelea, am mers la cazare, care era în incinta Liceului Teoretic "Mitropolit Nestor Vornicescu". Din nou identificarea bagajului și a locului de dormit: de data aceasta sala de sport.
And we have arrived! The end of the day found us on a football field, where we all lied down; for almost an hour we listened to the welcome speech of the local authorities and we watched a beautiful artistic moment. Unfortunately, the light was dimming; however, a few courageous volunteers again started a dance.
When night fell completely, we went to our lodgings in "Mitropolit Nestor Vornicescu" High School. We found our luggage again and the sleeping quarters: the gym this time.
And we have arrived! The end of the day found us on a football field, where we all lied down; for almost an hour we listened to the welcome speech of the local authorities and we watched a beautiful artistic moment. Unfortunately, the light was dimming; however, a few courageous volunteers again started a dance.
When night fell completely, we went to our lodgings in "Mitropolit Nestor Vornicescu" High School. We found our luggage again and the sleeping quarters: the gym this time.
M-am întins pe jos, rupt. Întrebare strategică: cât de lungă o fi coada la duș? Și cum o fi dușul, auzisem că e o improvizație de campanie... nu aveam duș în incintă. Mai ales, eram istovit, dar era imposibil să mă culc fără duș... Dilemă, dilemă...
Până la urmă mi-am luat inima în dinți și am bâjbâit spre zona dușului. Dintr-o parte se auzeau niște chiote sau mai degrabă urlete, iar un grup se organiza cu hainele, la uscat și la schimbat.
- Băi, n-are careva un telefon, o lanternă? fac eu.
Pe urmă aud o voce familiară, mi se obișnuiesc ochii, iar în fața mea era Băzăvan, cum l-a făcut mama natură...
- Hai aici, Romulus, uite, poți să-ți pui hainele pe sârmă...
- A, e ok băieți, nu mai e nevoie de lanternă... râd eu.
Toată lumea era goală pușcă pe acolo, deși totuși nu se vedea mare lucru în beznă, iar zona fetelor era separată de cea a băieților (duș de campanie dar norme moderne, de secol 21!).
Din zona dușului, în continuare urlete și, din când în când, un "Capceleaaa!!!" Aveam să aflu mai târziu că Capcelea a fost maistrul șef la cabinele de duș iar cisterna cu apă tot el o adusese; era rece. Chiar foarte rece pentru că era miezul nopții și dacă peste zi o încălzise soarele, acum era sloi.
Pe scurt, a fost cel mai rapid duș din viața mea, înghețat, beznă și milităresc.
- Cam rece apa, îngaim eu, morocănos, înapoi în sala de sport.
- Nemulțumitului i se ia darul, îmi veni replica, înțeleaptă.
M-a pus pe gânduri... Așa e, era mai rău deloc fără duș... Ca și în Caravanele "Trai Mai Bun" cu un an în urmă, când, cutreierând satele simple ale Basarabiei, am învățat, un pic, cum e să te descurci cu mai puțin și să nu cauți tot timpul să te îndestulezi, primeam din nou o lecție... Cu gândul ăsta, m-am pus la somn.
I lied down, knackered. Question: how long is the line at the shower? And how IS the shower, I heard it was improvised, like a field shower. There was none in the building.I was really exhausted but it was impossible to go to sleep without showering... What a dilemma...
I finally decided to go outside and look for the shower. From one side there were some yells and screams and a group was changing and drying clothes.
- Hey, does anyone have a phone, a flashlight or something? I go.
- Hey, over here Romulus, look, you can put your clothes on this wire...
- Oh, it's ok, guys, no need for a flashlight... I laugh.
Everyone was butt-naked, although you couldn't see much in the dark. and the girl's section was separate (field shower with modern, 21st century conditions).
From the shower area some screams could still be heard and an occasional "Capceleaaa!!!" I would find out later that Capcelea was the designer and builder of the shower cabins and the water tank was also brought in by him; it was cold. Very cold indeed because it was midnight and if the water was heated by the sun during the day, it was icy by the time we showered.
To cut things short, it was the quickest shower in my whole life, icy, dark and martial.
- The water is a bit cold, I mumble, a bit grumpy, back in the gym.
- The ungrateful gets his gift taken away, came the wise reply.
It got me thinking... That was true, it would have been worse with no shower at all... Like in the "Better living" Caravans, a year before, when, roaming the simple villages of Bessarabia, I learned, a little, how it is to make do with less and not try always to satisfy every whim, I was being taught a lesson... Pondering on this, I went to sleep.
I lied down, knackered. Question: how long is the line at the shower? And how IS the shower, I heard it was improvised, like a field shower. There was none in the building.I was really exhausted but it was impossible to go to sleep without showering... What a dilemma...
I finally decided to go outside and look for the shower. From one side there were some yells and screams and a group was changing and drying clothes.
- Hey, does anyone have a phone, a flashlight or something? I go.
- Hey, over here Romulus, look, you can put your clothes on this wire...
- Oh, it's ok, guys, no need for a flashlight... I laugh.
Everyone was butt-naked, although you couldn't see much in the dark. and the girl's section was separate (field shower with modern, 21st century conditions).
From the shower area some screams could still be heard and an occasional "Capceleaaa!!!" I would find out later that Capcelea was the designer and builder of the shower cabins and the water tank was also brought in by him; it was cold. Very cold indeed because it was midnight and if the water was heated by the sun during the day, it was icy by the time we showered.
To cut things short, it was the quickest shower in my whole life, icy, dark and martial.
- The water is a bit cold, I mumble, a bit grumpy, back in the gym.
- The ungrateful gets his gift taken away, came the wise reply.
It got me thinking... That was true, it would have been worse with no shower at all... Like in the "Better living" Caravans, a year before, when, roaming the simple villages of Bessarabia, I learned, a little, how it is to make do with less and not try always to satisfy every whim, I was being taught a lesson... Pondering on this, I went to sleep.
A doua zi, în zori, am mers ață să văd și eu, pe lumină, cum arăta grozăvia de duș de la miezul nopții... Aha... Duș de campanie în stil militar cu apă direct din camion: bifat! :)
The next day, at dawn, I went straight to the shower area to see the installation in the light of day. Ok, so I crossed this out from the list: military style shower straight from the tank truck! :)
The next day, at dawn, I went straight to the shower area to see the installation in the light of day. Ok, so I crossed this out from the list: military style shower straight from the tank truck! :)
Mulțumesc pentru fotografiile folosite lui Andrei Croitoru, Pavel Munteanu, Anatol Ursu, Anton Bălan și Adrian Băzăvan.
Thank you for the pictures used: Andrei Croitoru, Pavel Munteanu, Anatol Ursu, Anton Bălan and Adrian Băzăvan.
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