Adânc în pădurile de la nord de Slănic, la poalele muntelui Ursoaia, se află mânăstirea Crasna, denumire de origine slavă, care înseamnă "frumoasa".
Am descoperit-o într-o vacanță de vară, cu colegii de liceu. Căutam ce să facem cu timpul nostru la Slănic, iar o vecină ne-a întrebat: "de ce nu mergeți la Crasna"?
O călătorie înapoi în timp ne va transporta pe vremea când schitul Crasna devenea mânăstirea Crasna, când drumul spre Schiulești nu era modernizat, când satul nu avea parc...
Deep in the forests north of Slănic, at the foot of Ursoaia (bear) Mountain, is Crasna Monastery. The name in Slavic means "beautiful".
I discovered it in highschool with my classmates, while on vacation. We were looking for something to do with our time and a neighbor told us: "why don't you go to Crasna"?
Let's travel back in time when Crasna hermitage was transforming into a monastery, when the road to Schiulești village was not modernized, when the village did not have a park...
Deep in the forests north of Slănic, at the foot of Ursoaia (bear) Mountain, is Crasna Monastery. The name in Slavic means "beautiful".
I discovered it in highschool with my classmates, while on vacation. We were looking for something to do with our time and a neighbor told us: "why don't you go to Crasna"?
Let's travel back in time when Crasna hermitage was transforming into a monastery, when the road to Schiulești village was not modernized, when the village did not have a park...
Azi se poate ajunge ușor la Crasna cu mașina din Slănic sau din Homorâciu pe DN1A, dar parcă avea (are) mai mult farmec pe jos (sau călare cu Husar).
Pentru că pe atunci nu aveam niciunii carnet, am pornit pe jos spre Piatra Verde (dar fără a urca dealul), apoi la pod stânga pe malul râului Slănic, direcția sat Schiulești. La pod am fost "avertizați" că drumul e foarte lung. Am pornit totuși, pe arșiță și praf (acum drumul până la Schiulești e pavat cu plăci de ciment).
Today you can reach Crasna easily by car from Slănic or from Homorâciu, on DN1A, but it was (is) more fun on foot (or on horseback with Husar).
Because at the time we did not have a driving license, we started on foot towards Green Rock (but without climbing the hill), then at the iron bridge left on the Slănic river bank, towards Schiulești river. At the bridge we were "warned" that the road is very long, but we continued. Now the road to Schiulești is paved with cement slabs.
Today you can reach Crasna easily by car from Slănic or from Homorâciu, on DN1A, but it was (is) more fun on foot (or on horseback with Husar).
Because at the time we did not have a driving license, we started on foot towards Green Rock (but without climbing the hill), then at the iron bridge left on the Slănic river bank, towards Schiulești river. At the bridge we were "warned" that the road is very long, but we continued. Now the road to Schiulești is paved with cement slabs.
Dacă e august, pe acest drum și în general pe dealurile Slănicului veți găsi mure. Noi am mâncat câteva veri la rând la aceeași tufă.
In August you can find blackberries on this and other roads around Slănic. We had some every summer.
In August you can find blackberries on this and other roads around Slănic. We had some every summer.
Popas intermediar - Schiulești (dar pentru că nu am o poză cu satul de atunci, ține loc o poză cu aceeași atmosferă din Slănic - se poate observa Piatra Verde în fundal). Schiulești era mereu locul unde ne reîmprospătam rezerva de apă de la fântână...
A break at Schiulești, where we always got fresh water at the well. Well, not exactly, since I have no picture with that village, this one with Slănic and Green Rock in the back will do. It has the same feeling.
A break at Schiulești, where we always got fresh water at the well. Well, not exactly, since I have no picture with that village, this one with Slănic and Green Rock in the back will do. It has the same feeling.
... și la marginea căruia ne odihneam înainte de a ne continua drumul. În acea margine de sat a fost amenajat între timp un parc. Are și felinare pe celule fotovoltaice! ...
At the edge of the village we also enjoyed the shade in a spot that was transformed into a park. It is rather modern now, with lamps powered by solar energy!...
At the edge of the village we also enjoyed the shade in a spot that was transformed into a park. It is rather modern now, with lamps powered by solar energy!...
Drumul continuă pe o coastă golașă cu un drum care și astăzi este desfundat, iar la un moment dat, de lângă o cruce mare din lemn, poate fi observată mânăstirea cam ca în această imagine (sursa An de an, odată cu construirea bisericii noi, a chiliilor și alte dependințe, vedeam cum mânăstirea să mărește și devine tot mai vizibilă de pe acel deal. Devenise un adevărat "complex monahal".
The road continues on a barren hill with a road that is always rough. There is a spot, marked with a large wooden cross, from where you can see the monastery in the middle of the forest, just like here (picture taken from Every year, as the new church was constructed and other buildings were added, I could see the monastery expand, becoming more and more visible.
The road continues on a barren hill with a road that is always rough. There is a spot, marked with a large wooden cross, from where you can see the monastery in the middle of the forest, just like here (picture taken from Every year, as the new church was constructed and other buildings were added, I could see the monastery expand, becoming more and more visible.
Urmează o pădure și un moment foarte simpatic al drumului: traversarea pârâului Crasna pe un pod suspendat. Prima dată când l-am traversat era foarte șubred, dar este reparat constant și sigur.
Then we enter the forest and we get to one of my favorite moments along the road: crossing the Crasna stream on a suspended wooden bridge.The first time we crossed it it was rather unstable and had some holes, but it is regularly maintained and safe.
Ultima porțiune de pădure este în urcuș, cu copaci bătrâni în forme interesante și rădăcini ce pot servi ca trepte. Călugării de la mânăstire s-au îngrijit de pelerini și au amplasat mai multe bănci pe această ultimă porțiune de traseu.
The last portion of the road in the woods is a steep climb. The trees are ancient and gave interesting shapes, their roots forming steps along the way. The monks from the monastery have placed a few benches on the path, where pilgrims can catch their break.
The last portion of the road in the woods is a steep climb. The trees are ancient and gave interesting shapes, their roots forming steps along the way. The monks from the monastery have placed a few benches on the path, where pilgrims can catch their break.
Prima dată când am fost la mânăstire, biserica nouă abia se termina de construit, zidul de incintă nu era isprăvit, acoperișul bisericii vechi nu fusese acoperit cu cupru. Am preferat mereu biserica veche la Crasna.
Am zăbovit doar câteva minute: noaptea cădea iar întoarcerea s-a făcut pe întuneric, peste dealuri, pe un drum arătat de un sătean din Schiulești, un drum pe care l-am mai făcut și în următoarele vacanțe, cu grupuri tot mai mari de prieteni. Apoi vacanțele ni s-au terminat (acum avem concedii) iar grupul nu s-a mai strâns, însă mi-aș dori să refacem cândva acel drum... dar tot pe jos (n-are farmec cu mașina). E ceva ce merită planificat. :)
When I made the first trip to the monastery, the new monastery was being finished, the precinct wall was not yet complete, the old church did not ave its new copper plate roof. I always preferred the old church.
We stayed only a few minutes on our first trip: night was falling and part of the road back was made in the dark. A villager from Schiulești showed us a shortcut through the woods. We took that road a few more times in the following years. Then the holidays were over, we started working and the group did not get together anymore. It would be worthwhile to make the trip again, but on foot, like old times.
When I made the first trip to the monastery, the new monastery was being finished, the precinct wall was not yet complete, the old church did not ave its new copper plate roof. I always preferred the old church.
We stayed only a few minutes on our first trip: night was falling and part of the road back was made in the dark. A villager from Schiulești showed us a shortcut through the woods. We took that road a few more times in the following years. Then the holidays were over, we started working and the group did not get together anymore. It would be worthwhile to make the trip again, but on foot, like old times.
Cum spuneam, după Revoluție, de-a lungul anilor, Mânăstirea Crasna s-a mărit considerabil, o vizitează mulți turiști și localnici deopotrivă, locul este foarte pitoresc. Păcat că unele lucrări de modernizare s-au făcut cu materiale total nepotrivite (cum ar fi țigla metalică roșie pe gard) care "rup" efectiv vechea armonie a locului. Poate cu timpul se vor corecta aceste aspecte.
As I said, after the Revolution, year after year, Crasna Monastery got bigger, more and more tourists and pilgrims visit it, the place is very beautiful. It is a pity that some improvements were made with inappropriate buildings materials (like red painted metal tile) that "shatter" the old harmony. Maybe in time these mistakes will be corrected.
As I said, after the Revolution, year after year, Crasna Monastery got bigger, more and more tourists and pilgrims visit it, the place is very beautiful. It is a pity that some improvements were made with inappropriate buildings materials (like red painted metal tile) that "shatter" the old harmony. Maybe in time these mistakes will be corrected.
Nu vreau să insist asupra acestor detalii, mici până la urmă, ci să revin la esențial: mânăstirea este atestată de 3 secole, când sihaștri de pe Valea Teleajenului au întemeiat aici un schit cu hramul "Sfinții Împărați Constantin și Elena". Biserica veche datează din 1828, ctitorită de starețul Constantin Potlogea. Catapeteasma, care m-a impresionat de la prima vizită, este realizată la Viena și dantela fină de lemn acoperită cu foiță de aur.
I do not want to insist on these details, I'd rather go back to the essentials: the monastery dates back the the beginning of the 18th century, when hermits from the Teleajăn valley founded here a hermitage dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helen. The old church was built in 1828 by prior Constantin Potlogea. The iconostasis, which impressed me ever since the first visit, was crafted in Vienna and its fine wooden notches are covered in gold leaf.
I do not want to insist on these details, I'd rather go back to the essentials: the monastery dates back the the beginning of the 18th century, when hermits from the Teleajăn valley founded here a hermitage dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helen. The old church was built in 1828 by prior Constantin Potlogea. The iconostasis, which impressed me ever since the first visit, was crafted in Vienna and its fine wooden notches are covered in gold leaf.
În perioada 1999 - 2000 a fost ridicată o biserică nouă, schitul devenind mânăstire. Biserica nouă este încăpătoare și are o pictură interioară foarte frumoasă, predominant albastră, fiind înfățișați și sfinți voievozi precum Constantin Brâncoveanu și Ștefan cel Mare.
In 1999 - 2000 a new church was built, when the hermitage was officially upgraded to monastery status. The new church is spacious and is beautifully painted. Blue predominates and I like the fact the Romanian princes that were sanctified by the church, like Brâncoveanu or Stephen the Great, are represented.
In 1999 - 2000 a new church was built, when the hermitage was officially upgraded to monastery status. The new church is spacious and is beautifully painted. Blue predominates and I like the fact the Romanian princes that were sanctified by the church, like Brâncoveanu or Stephen the Great, are represented.
O livadă și un lac cu nuferi întregesc peisajul liniștit al mânăstirii, care sper să rămână acel loc sfânt și luminos în mijloc de pădure, să-și păstreze, în fața celebrității crescute, inocența începuturilor ca schit.
An orchard and a lake with water lilies compete the scenery. I hope this tranquil place shall keep its light and innocence, in the face of mounting fame.
La mulți ani, dragi prieteni, vor urma multe alte călătorii în 2017. O parte sunt deja planificate, dar o parte rămâne neprevăzută.
Happy New Year, dear friends, there will be other travels in 2017, some already planned, some depending on chance.
An orchard and a lake with water lilies compete the scenery. I hope this tranquil place shall keep its light and innocence, in the face of mounting fame.
La mulți ani, dragi prieteni, vor urma multe alte călătorii în 2017. O parte sunt deja planificate, dar o parte rămâne neprevăzută.
Happy New Year, dear friends, there will be other travels in 2017, some already planned, some depending on chance.
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