Vara unionistă centenară trebuia să înceapă în forță, printr-un eveniment deosebit, iar acela a fost aprinderea Flăcării Unirii la Alba Iulia, pentru a fi purtată în Marșul Centenar până la Chișinău. De la 1 iulie la 1 septembrie, Flacăra Unirii avea să străbată 9 județe, să treacă de 3 ori Carpații și la final Prutul, pentru a ajunge la Chișinău.
2018 marks the Centennial of the end of World War I and for Romania this means the reunification with its historic provinces and the creation of Greater Romania (amputated, unfortunately, by the 1940 Soviet ultimatum and the loss of Bessarabia and part of Bukovina).
Thus, it was only natural that the Unionist associations and NGOs wanted to mark the special moment with an exceptional event, which is the Centennial March. Winding through 9 counties from Alba Iulia to Chișinău, it crosses 3 times the Carpathian Mountains and all the 3 historic Romanian countries: Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldova.
2018 marks the Centennial of the end of World War I and for Romania this means the reunification with its historic provinces and the creation of Greater Romania (amputated, unfortunately, by the 1940 Soviet ultimatum and the loss of Bessarabia and part of Bukovina).
Thus, it was only natural that the Unionist associations and NGOs wanted to mark the special moment with an exceptional event, which is the Centennial March. Winding through 9 counties from Alba Iulia to Chișinău, it crosses 3 times the Carpathian Mountains and all the 3 historic Romanian countries: Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldova.
Am reluat experiența drumului nocturn cu autocarul, care, fiind cu prietenii, a fost o plăcere. Iată-mă, încântat, la popasul din Valea Oltului: binecunoscutul OMV de la Căciulata cu a sa panoramă.
Drapelul acesta mi-e drag: este drapelul pe care l-am salvat la inaugurarea Arenei Naționale (7 septembrie 2011) când, neavând voie cu drapele în arenă (ar fi trebuit să boicotăm toți meciul), le-am lăsat afară și... au fost puse în tonetele de gunoi de serviciul de salubritate. La vremea aceea am depus plângere la poliție - plângerea a fost clasată - însă în orice caz, eu am scos drapelele din respectivele tonete, drapele recuperate de spectatori. Nu mi-am mai găsit steagul meu, l-am luat în schimb pe acesta și mă însoțește aproape peste tot: munte sau activitate unionistă.
So we headed to Alba Iulia where the union with Transylvania was decided and holds great symbolism for 1918. Taking the bus with my friends is always fun, and we took a break in the mountains, by the Olt river, swelled by the recent floods.
I am very fond of my flag. I "rescued" it at the inauguration of the National Arena, when banners and even flags were prohibited, and people left their flags at the entrance, only to have them removed by the cleaning service. Like many, I did not find my own flag anymore, but chose this one, after removing the flags from the cleaning bins and placing them again at the entrance. None were left, folks grabbed them when leaving the Romania - France game (September 7th 2011).
So we headed to Alba Iulia where the union with Transylvania was decided and holds great symbolism for 1918. Taking the bus with my friends is always fun, and we took a break in the mountains, by the Olt river, swelled by the recent floods.
I am very fond of my flag. I "rescued" it at the inauguration of the National Arena, when banners and even flags were prohibited, and people left their flags at the entrance, only to have them removed by the cleaning service. Like many, I did not find my own flag anymore, but chose this one, after removing the flags from the cleaning bins and placing them again at the entrance. None were left, folks grabbed them when leaving the Romania - France game (September 7th 2011).
Sosiți la Alba Iulia, am ieșit în oraș, unde am așteptat ieșirea Turului Centenarului, tur ciclist organizat de Lucian Mîndruță.
When arriving in Alba Iulia, we went out and waited for the arrival of the Centennial Tour, a bike tour organised by journalist Lucian Mîndruță.
When arriving in Alba Iulia, we went out and waited for the arrival of the Centennial Tour, a bike tour organised by journalist Lucian Mîndruță.
La statuia lui Mihai Viteazul, aliniere spontană cu ediția limitată a tricourilor unioniste "Centenarul Marii Uniri 1918 - 2018 Alba Iulia" (doar 100 de exemplare).
Impromptu photosession at the statue of Michael the Brave, with anniversary T-shirts "Centennial of the Great Union1918 - 2018 Alba Iulia" (only 100 printed).
Impromptu photosession at the statue of Michael the Brave, with anniversary T-shirts "Centennial of the Great Union1918 - 2018 Alba Iulia" (only 100 printed).
Restul zilei l-am petrecut în Muzeul Național al Unirii, care parcurge întreaga istorie a românilor și este foarte variat, rivalizând cu orice muzeu de istorie din țară.
The rest of the day was spent at the National Union Museum, which retraces Romanian history and rivals any history museum in the country.
The rest of the day was spent at the National Union Museum, which retraces Romanian history and rivals any history museum in the country.
Apusul, în prima zi, a fost de excepție și tot weekendul cerul ne-a încântat cu spectacolul său.
The sunset was exceptional and the sky enchanted us the whole weekend.
The sunset was exceptional and the sky enchanted us the whole weekend.
Catedrala Încoronării / The Orthodox Coronation Cathedral
Catedrala Romano-Catolică Sfântul Mihail / The Catholic Saint Michael Cathedral
A doua zi, duminică, începea cu un senin desăvârșit. / On Sunday, the sky was clear blue.
Prima parte a zilei am ghidat un grup de basarabeni venit cu programul Cunoaște-ți țara. A fost o bucurie să revăd prieteni (profesori de la Liceul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei - rebotezat Aristotel) sau să aud aprecieri de la cei cu care am mai fost în vizită la București anul trecut sau acum 2 ani.
Weekendul a fost și despre prieteni revăzuți, fie cei din București (Lupu, Iulia), fie cei din Chișinău (Victoria, Vlad, Mihaela) sau cunoștințe noi, ca Delia sau Valeria.
In the morning I took a group of Romanians from Bessarabia on a tour of the fortress. The program is called "Know your country" and it brings tens of thousands from Bessarabia yearly. I met some friends too, like teachers form Chișinău or people whom I welcomed on other tours the previous years.
In the morning I took a group of Romanians from Bessarabia on a tour of the fortress. The program is called "Know your country" and it brings tens of thousands from Bessarabia yearly. I met some friends too, like teachers form Chișinău or people whom I welcomed on other tours the previous years.
Desigur că am fost împreună și la Catedrala Încoronării și la Catedrala Romano-Catolică, care adăpostește mormântul lui Iancu de Hunedoara.
Of course, we went together to the two cathedrals.
Of course, we went together to the two cathedrals.
mormântul lui Iancu de Hunedoara
The catholic cathedral is the resting place of John Hunyadi, who defended Belgrade from the Turks (1456) and fought them victoriously for almost two decades.
Cetatea Alba Iulia rămâne o destinație turistică de primă împortanță în România.
Alba Iulia remains one of Romania's top destinations.
Alba Iulia remains one of Romania's top destinations.
Momentul culminant al weekendului a fost aprinderea Flăcării Unirii și pornirea Marșului Centenar. (foto: Cătălin Babalau)
That evening we lit the Union Torch which travels from Alba Iulia to Chișinău in the Centennial March.
That evening we lit the Union Torch which travels from Alba Iulia to Chișinău in the Centennial March.
restul, e despre: / as for the rest:
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