Cimitirul săsesc, sau cimitirul din deal, de la Sighișoara

Unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri din Sighișoara este un cimitir: cimitirul săsesc din deal. Împingeți porțița de fier forjat și pătrundeți în altă lume, lumea gotică a sașilor de altădată. 
Nu știu multe lucruri despre acest cimitir. Pietrele tombale sunt vechi de mai multe secole, arborii la fel, literele sunt gotice, limba este germană. Simboluri de bresle sau simboluri masonice întâlnesc privirile celor care le caută. Un colț este păstrat pentru cei căzuți în război, mormintele fiind așezate disciplinat în rând, ca la armată. Este cu siguranță printre cele mai frumoase cimitire din România

The Saxon cemetery or the cemetery on the hill in Sighișoara

One of the most beautiful places in Sighișoara is a cemetery: the Saxon cemetery on the hill. Push the wrought iron door and step into another world, the Gothic world of the Saxons of old. 
I don't know much about this cemetery. The tombstones are centuries old, so are the trees above, the letters are Gothic and the language German. There are guild symbols and masonic signs for those whose keen eyes know how to identify them. A corner is kept for the soldiers fallen in battle, in neat rows, just like in the army. It is certainly one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Romania.    

 Pro Patria: căzut în 1916. / Pro Patria: fallen in 1916. 

Breasla croitorilor? / The taylor's guild? 

Eroilor căzuți. Fiecare mormânt de erou este pământ sfânt. Ei au murit ca noi să avem pace. / To te fallen heroes. Each hero's grave is holy ground. They died so that we may have peace. 


  1. I visited the graveyard yesterday, as part of my first trip to Romania. The reason I visited your website is because I am trying to find out - by asking various people - why on Earth they have chopped the trees down, or simply cut them right back? It makes the graveyard look terrible and, I am reckoning, makes it lose its once-lovely and peaceful atmosphere.
    As you are promoting tourism in Romania - I was wondering whether you would know why it has been considered acceptable to do this to what is one of Romania's prime tourist spots? It has been decimated - and I find this incredulous that Romania - which suffers from a terribly poor image throughout Europe and should be promoting itself and doing what it can to show off its natural beauty - deems it fine to do this to one of its most beautiful spots in 'untouched Transylvania'? I found it sacreligious, disrespectful to the locals, the families who have relatives in the graveyard, and to those who want to see beauty but get this instead? Shocking. Truly shocking.

  2. I am so sorry. Unfortunately, the neglectful and unprofessional trimming of trees is common practice in Romania, in order, inter alia, to prevent the fall o branches which could injure people of damage the tombstones. However, the trimming is not done professionally, but in an excessive way. I have not seen the cemetery since, I am sorry to hear this.


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