Nu aş fi aflat de existenţa Mânăstirii Bascovele dacă nu era un mic semn la drumul mare, nu mult după Piteşti, direcţia Valea Oltului. Indicatorul menţionează că e monument istoric, ceea ce automat mă interesează. Cândva, am aflat de la călugărul ghid, ea se afla la drumul principal, pe drumul domnitorilor de la Bucureşti spre munţi, dar vremurile se schimbă. A fost ctitorită în 1649 de viitorul domn al Ţării Româneşti Şerban Cantacuzino. Aşadar, această bisericuţă voievodală merită popasul.
Bascovele Monastery
Bascovele Monastery is not one of the main Romanian monasteries to visit, but it is often these objectives that are shrouded in a pleasant mystery that known tourist sites don't posses. A small sign, recently replaced by a bigger and more visible one, marks the direction, on the right just after resuming the road to Râmnicu Vâlcea after Cotmeana. However, the monastery used to be on the main road, the old medieval road to Sibiu. A Romanian Prince built it in 1649, Şerban Cantacuzino, known for participating to the 1683 Siege of Vienna. He was on the Turkish side, not of his own will though. Legend has it that, not wanting to damage the christian city's walls, he ordered the cannons to be loaded with straw. The Ottomans were so dimsmayed by their defeat that they forgot to take of his head when retreating back to Istanbul.

Anul vizitarii Mr Bascovele -02.09.2008 .Am vazut tarziu indicatorul,mic si sters ca multe altele . M-au impresionat icoanele vechi,ff vechi pictate pe pereti . Am fost intampinat de o maicuta ,cu o privire blanda ,de mama . Am intrebat multe ,mi s-u dat si mai multe raspunsuri. Am facut cunostinta cu preotul paroh .Om simplu ,evlavios si rspectuos . Cine a vizitat Manastirea stie ce se afla langa Manastire .Ceva trist ,ff trist ,care mi-a adus aminte cat de pacatos sunt . DoAMNE iarta-ma ! Nu as fi dorit sa merg niciodata acolo si sigur nu voi mai merge . Urmatoarea vizita Mr. cotmeana geo bucuresti
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a lovely monastery - I have added it to my list for next time... the list is always brimming with beautiful mysteries and stunning enigmas that do your heart good, and I hope never to get to the end of it.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you for the Serban C story too. Always lovely to put an anecdote with a little corner of paradise.
:o) Lovely blog - congratulations!