Tulcea - capitala nordului Dobrogei. Poarta de intrare în Deltă. Mare port fluvial. Şi ar mai fi de zis. Faleza oferă o privelişte minunată asupra Dunării. În apropiere se află vasul cu zbaturi "Republica" unde puteţi bea un ceai şi afla povestea uimitoare a acestei ambarcaţiuni din secolul 19. În spatele falezei puteţi descoperi străduţele sinuase şi abrupte ale oraşului vechi. Merită să vă abateţi mai mult timp pe acolo şi de asemenea să vizitaţi Muzeul Etnografic pentru a afla mai multe despre diversitatea culturală şi obiceiurile oamenilor Deltei!
Tulcea is the main city of the northern part of Dobrogea, the main gateway to the Danube Delta, a great river port. There would be more to say. The city offers a beautiful view of the Danube and its islands from several vantage points. In the harbour there is the paddle steamer "Republica", gained by Romania as war reparations from Austria-Hungary after World War 1. it is now a pleasant restaurant anchored to shore. On the city heights is the old town with narrow winding streets. There you can find and visit the mosque or the etnographic museum.

Tulcea is the main city of the northern part of Dobrogea, the main gateway to the Danube Delta, a great river port. There would be more to say. The city offers a beautiful view of the Danube and its islands from several vantage points. In the harbour there is the paddle steamer "Republica", gained by Romania as war reparations from Austria-Hungary after World War 1. it is now a pleasant restaurant anchored to shore. On the city heights is the old town with narrow winding streets. There you can find and visit the mosque or the etnographic museum.

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