Biserica fortificată săsească de la Cloaşterf mi-a atras prima dată atenţia într-o carte despre cetăţi săseşti. Mi se părea un nume foarte frumos, germanic, iar biserica mi se părea austeră, masivă. De fapt nu este o biserică foarte mare, dar este înaltă. Însă ce m-a impresionat cel mai mult este interiorul ei: panourile de lemn pictat, candelabrele şi bineînţeles altarul sau amvonul. Pe zid se află, ca în toate bisericile săseşti, o placă scrisă în germană pentru cinstirea eroilor căzuţi în războaiele mondiale. Aceasta are litere caligrafiate gotic şi o cruce teutonică albastră. Nu uitaţi să vizitaţi şi "podul": o scară duce deasupra bolţii bisericii, unde poate fi admirată şarpanta de susţinere a acoperişului, o adevărată dantelă de bârne groase. De jur împrejur se află gurile de tragere de la care puteau fi ţinuţi la respect duşmanii.
The Cloașterf Saxon Fortified Church
This fortified church first caught my eye in a book about Saxon fortified churches. I liked its name, harsh, germanic. The church looked austere and massive. In reality, it is not a very large church, but it has a high profile. What most impressed me is its interior decoration. There are painted wooden boards, candelabra, the altar and the pulpit. On the wall is found, like in all Saxon churches, a plaque mentioning the members of the community fallen in the World Wars. This one here has gothic caligraphic letters and a blue teutonic cross. Don't forget to climb into the roof: a ladder leads above the church vault, where the wooden roof structure can be admired, something like lattice work. All around there are embrasures from where the defenders of the church could shoot at their enemies.
The Cloașterf Saxon Fortified Church
This fortified church first caught my eye in a book about Saxon fortified churches. I liked its name, harsh, germanic. The church looked austere and massive. In reality, it is not a very large church, but it has a high profile. What most impressed me is its interior decoration. There are painted wooden boards, candelabra, the altar and the pulpit. On the wall is found, like in all Saxon churches, a plaque mentioning the members of the community fallen in the World Wars. This one here has gothic caligraphic letters and a blue teutonic cross. Don't forget to climb into the roof: a ladder leads above the church vault, where the wooden roof structure can be admired, something like lattice work. All around there are embrasures from where the defenders of the church could shoot at their enemies.

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