La intrarea în Turceni dinspre sud, într-o curbă strânsă, am zărit o biserică veche. E chiar pe marginea drumului, pe un loc înalt, iar în spatele ei, în vale, se vede Complexul Energetic Turceni. Am oprit şi am mers să o văd mai bine. Din păcate era închisă. Mi-a plăcut arhitectura ei, cu coloanele masive de la pridvor. Mi se pare interesant că nu are turlă şi mi-a atras atenţia şi pictura murală exterioară. Este un element specific nordului Olteniei. Îmi pare rău că nu am aflat mai multe informaţii despre această biserică, pentru că aş fi curios să ştiu cine a ctitorit-o şi cât de veche este.
An old church in Turceni
Entering Turceni from the south, there is an old church right in a tight curve. I stopped to take a closer look. Behind it is Turceni power plant. Unfortunately it was closed, but I liked its architecture, its massive colums at the front porch. I found it interesting that it has no dome but boasts exterior paintings. It is an element specific to northern Oltenia. Unfortunately I could not gather more information on this church, because I would have been curious to know who built it and how old it is.
An old church in Turceni
Entering Turceni from the south, there is an old church right in a tight curve. I stopped to take a closer look. Behind it is Turceni power plant. Unfortunately it was closed, but I liked its architecture, its massive colums at the front porch. I found it interesting that it has no dome but boasts exterior paintings. It is an element specific to northern Oltenia. Unfortunately I could not gather more information on this church, because I would have been curious to know who built it and how old it is.
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