Cerna este un râu sălbatic ce taie o vale abruptă şi îngustă între munţi împăduriţi, pentru a ajunge la Dunăre în golful larg al Orşovei.
Noi am urmărit un traseu de la Băile Herculane până la Baia de Aramă, via comuna Godeanu. Drumul nu este recomandat după primele zăpezi, altfel, drumul e bun şi peisajele merită.
The Cerna Valley
Cerna is a wild river, cutting a steep and narrow valley which runs through forested mountains in order to reach the Danube in the large golf of Orșova.
We followed the road from Băile Herculane to the Baia de Aramă town (brass mine, literally), passing through Godeanu village. The road is not recommended under snow cover, but the scenery is beautiful.
The Cerna Valley
Cerna is a wild river, cutting a steep and narrow valley which runs through forested mountains in order to reach the Danube in the large golf of Orșova.
We followed the road from Băile Herculane to the Baia de Aramă town (brass mine, literally), passing through Godeanu village. The road is not recommended under snow cover, but the scenery is beautiful.

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