Când am vizitat biserica fortificată de la Meşendorf, imediat după cea din Viscri, am perceput-o ca pe o surioară mai mică a celei din urmă, care are şi ea nevoie de dragoste şi de apreciere. Mai mică, mai puţin cunoscută, eu o mai confundam şi cu multele biserici a căror nume pitoresc începe cu M: Mănărade, Marpod, Merghindeal, Mălâncrav... Doar vizitarea fiecăreia în parte poate disipa confuzia, pentru că fiecare biserică săsească are particularităţile ei.
Meşendorf se află în satul cu acelaşi nume, un sat frumos şi retras unde găsiţi şi cazare. Se află pe un deluşor şi peste primul zid de piatră se văd, printre crengile arborilor bătrâni, clopotniţa şi turnurile cetăţii. Intrarea în a doua incintă mi se pare foarte simpatică, având acele coloane şi fronton zugrăvite într-un alb luminos. Interiorul este curat şi îngrijit şi puteţi admira, printre altele, panourile de lemn pictat ale balconului.
Meșendorf Saxon Fortified Church
When we visited the Meșendorf fortified church, right after the one in Viscri, I perceived it like a smaller sister of the latter, who also needs love and appreciation. Smaller, less known, I used to mistake it with other Saxon fortified churches starting with M: Mănărade, Marpod, Merghindeal, Mălâncrav... Only by visiting each one can clear the confusion, because each one is different.
Meșendorf is in the village with the same name, a beautiful one, away from the main road. You can find guesthouses there. The church is on a small hill. Over the first, smaller, stone wall, one can glimpse the belltower and the precinct towers. The entrance to the second fortification belt looks very charming, with its white columns and pediment. The interior is clean and well taken care of, with decorated wooden panels and other works of art to admire.
Meșendorf Saxon Fortified Church
When we visited the Meșendorf fortified church, right after the one in Viscri, I perceived it like a smaller sister of the latter, who also needs love and appreciation. Smaller, less known, I used to mistake it with other Saxon fortified churches starting with M: Mănărade, Marpod, Merghindeal, Mălâncrav... Only by visiting each one can clear the confusion, because each one is different.
Meșendorf is in the village with the same name, a beautiful one, away from the main road. You can find guesthouses there. The church is on a small hill. Over the first, smaller, stone wall, one can glimpse the belltower and the precinct towers. The entrance to the second fortification belt looks very charming, with its white columns and pediment. The interior is clean and well taken care of, with decorated wooden panels and other works of art to admire.

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