Castelul Daniel de la Vârghiş se află în mijlocul unui parc, în spatele căruia curge molcom un râuşor. Este o privelişte încântătoare, mai ales din logia renascentistă a castelului.
În interior se află spaţii expoziţionale şi puţine elemente originale, pentru că după război, castelul a servit pe post de grajd, iar balega de vacă era până în tavan (mică exagerare, dar în orice caz, parchetul original mai există doar într-o sală).
Oraşul Esztergom, din Ungaria, centru urban de mare importanţă încă din evul mediu, a cumpărat castelul în 2005. De atunci castelul şi grădinile parcă s-au întors în timp, în vremurile mai faste. Vor fi deschise şi spaţii de cazare în anexe, au loc festivaluri, precum festivalul "Zilele renascentiste" sau sărbătorirea cărturarului maghiar Mikes Kelemen, a cărui poveste este foarte similară cu cea a contemporanului său, Dimitrie Cantemir: după ce a pierdut un război, respectiv Războiul Curuţilor lui Francisc Rakoczi al II-lea, a fost forţat să plece în exil, în Imperiul Otoman, timp în care a creat o importantă operă literară, evocând evenimentele istorice la care a fost martor.
Vârghiş este imediat la nord de principalul oraş din zonă: Baraolt.
The Daniel Castle in Vârghiș
The Daniel Castle in Vârghiș is in a middle of a splendid park. A river runs through it. It is a charming scenery, especially when viewed from the Renaissance style loggia.
Inside are rooms used for exhibits. They have few original elements, as the castle was devastated after World War Two and was used as a barn. The original flooring is also gone, except for a room.
The city of Esztergom in Hungary bought the castle in 2005. Since then, the castle and gardens have returned back in time, in better days. Tourists can be lodged on the castle grounds and festivals, like the "Renaissance Days" are held. The guide told us about an exhibit on the life of Mikes Kelemen. He took part in the Kuruc Wars under Francis Rakoczi II and had to flee in exile in the Ottoman Empire. In that time he rote valuable material about the times in which he lived.
Vârghiș is immediately north of the main town in the area: Baraolt.
The Daniel Castle in Vârghiș
The Daniel Castle in Vârghiș is in a middle of a splendid park. A river runs through it. It is a charming scenery, especially when viewed from the Renaissance style loggia.
Inside are rooms used for exhibits. They have few original elements, as the castle was devastated after World War Two and was used as a barn. The original flooring is also gone, except for a room.
The city of Esztergom in Hungary bought the castle in 2005. Since then, the castle and gardens have returned back in time, in better days. Tourists can be lodged on the castle grounds and festivals, like the "Renaissance Days" are held. The guide told us about an exhibit on the life of Mikes Kelemen. He took part in the Kuruc Wars under Francis Rakoczi II and had to flee in exile in the Ottoman Empire. In that time he rote valuable material about the times in which he lived.
Vârghiș is immediately north of the main town in the area: Baraolt.

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